Almost every year we come back to the fabulous rivers and creeks in Piemonte and Ticino. This year it was a special trip because we were joined by some good friends from across the pond. After they had guided us down some of the High Sierra runs last year it was a great feeling to return the favor and show them some of "our" runs. So here are some classics from Italy and Switzerland!
GBP Productions on Vimeo.
The Austrians: HaraldGlanz ReinerGlanz LorenzHolzerJürgenMeier LukasSeitner
The Americans: DanielBrasuell DianeGaydos DavidTaylorMaurierEmmeKing KevinSmith LauraFarrell
The Japanese: YoshihiroTakahashi
The Germans: JonasGrünewald SebastianBetz ThomasDimke
The Canadian: EvansParent
Music: Alt-J - Hunger of the Pine rjd2 - Ghostwriter Alt-J - LeftHandFree
Thanks to: Liquidlogic Kayaks, AlpinAction, SweetProtection, Kokatat, °hf, toasted
and everybody on the trip!